We are The Student World
As the leading study abroad platform since 1997, we know that each student is unique. That's why we made it our sole mission to help you find your best-fit program abroad.
Years organizing
student fairs
Students registered
for our events
student fairs
virtual fairs
Colleges &
student fairs
We Were Here First
Before Google and Facebook even existed, we launched the very first study abroad website in the world in 1997 to connect students and universities.
We have been in your shoes
We know how complicated it can be to make the right decision with so many options. So, we made it our sole mission to help you find the best international program for you.
We are part of the international education community
We are committed and driven to promote the incredibly immersive and eye-opening study abroad opportunities available all over the world.
We are committed to making the world a better place
Joining our virtual fairs mean you are helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment traditional fairs have. Together, we save tons of paper brochures and carbon footprint and have planted thousands of trees (one per virtual booth).
We Were Here First
Before Google and Facebook even existed, we launched the very first study abroad website in the world in 1997 to connect students and universities.
We have been in your shoes
We know how complicated it can be to make the right decision with so many options. So, we made it our sole mission to help you find the best international program for you.
We are part of the international education community
We are committed and driven to promote the incredibly immersive and eye-opening study abroad opportunities available all over the world.
We are committed to making the world a better place
Joining our virtual fairs mean you are helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment traditional fairs have. Together, we save tons of paper brochures and carbon footprint and have planted thousands of trees (one per virtual booth).
We Were Here First
Before Google and Facebook even existed, we launched the very first study abroad website in the world in 1997 to connect students and universities.
We have been in your shoes
We know how complicated it can be to make the right decision with so many options. So, we made it our sole mission to help you find the best international program for you.
We are part of the international education community
We are committed and driven to promote the incredibly immersive and eye-opening study abroad opportunities available all over the world.
We are committed to making the world a better place
Joining our virtual fairs mean you are helping to reduce the negative impact on the environment traditional fairs have. Together, we save tons of paper brochures and carbon footprint and have planted thousands of trees (one per virtual booth).
Our Timeline of Innovation
Created the first study abroad website in LATAM/Europe
Launched the first in-person study abroad fairs
Released the first study abroad network in the world - EDUFINDME
First student fair to have its own online platform
Created the Study Abroad Match
Greener events for a better world
Joining The Student World 3D Online Fair means you are helping reduce the negative impact that regular fairs have on the environment. Every year, you help us save tons of paper brochures and reduce the complex carbon footprint of the events industry. Thank you.
Plus, we plant a tree for each university attending our online events: we’re at 9,236 so far!